Organic Passionflower Herbal Extract Tincture for Sleep
Do you feel like your mind is a never-ending carousel, spinning with thoughts and worries that keep you up at night?
A calming tincture made with passionflower can help you find the off switch and say farewell to your sleepless night.
The active ingredients in passionflower that are believed to help with sleep are flavonoids, specifically chrysin, and apigenin. These compounds have calming effects and may increase GABA levels in the brain, which can have a calming effect and support their potential as a sleep aid.
Our passionflower tincture is produced using organically farmed herbs in the South of France, free of chemicals,s and has a long history of use in Central and North America.
Let our passionflower tincture be your secret weapon against insomnia and show your restless mind who's boss.
Key Functions & Benefits
Scientists believe passionflower works by increasing levels of a chemical called gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the brain. GABA lowers the activity of some brain cells, making you feel more relaxed and making it easier to fall asleep at night.
Key actions include:
Antispasmodic (relax intense and sore muscles), hypotensive (lower blood pressure), anxiolytic (ease stress and anxious feeling), sedative (promotes sleep) and anodyne (pain relief).
Directions & Dosage
Sublingual* (recommended for faster result):
Apply 1 dropper full (1ml) under the tongue and hold it for 15-30 seconds before swallowing.
OR add 1 dropper full (1ml) into water or juice and drink it.
1 dropper contains 100 mg of ginseng extract. For best results, take it sublingually and 1-4 times per day as needed, or 45 mins before bedtime for better sleep quality.
Sublingual* The area underneath the tongue has tiny blood capillaries and therefore the active ingredients of passionflower tincture can be absorbed directly and very fast into the system without passing through the digestive system.
Passionflower (Passiflora incarnata) extracted in organic alcohol and water. The alcohol concentration is 67% Vol.
Fresh plants and the aerial of the plant are used, and the strength is 1:10, 10%.
Plant Profile
Passionflower (Passiflora incarnata) extracted in organic alcohol and water. The alcohol concentration is 67% Vol.
Fresh plants and the aerial of the plant are used, and the strength is 1:10, 10%.
Research & Studies
For sleep:
In a study published in Phytotherapy Research, a group of participants drank a daily dose of passionflower-infused tea. They noted improvements in the quality of their sleep after seven days. Passionflower, according to the researchers, may aid adults in managing minor sleep abnormalities.
For stress:
According to certain studies, passionflower might be able to reduce anxiety. Its effects on patients who were scheduled for surgery was investigated in a study published in the journal Anesthesia and Analgesia. Compared to others who received a placebo, patients who drank it reported feeling less anxious.
Other Supporting Research:
Passionflower in the treatment of generalized anxiety: a pilot double-blind randomized controlled trial with oxazepam. By Akhondzadeh S, Naghavi HR, Vazirian M, Shayeganpour A, Rashidi H, Khani M.
The aqueous extracts of Passiflora alata and Passiflora edulis reduce anxiety-related behaviors without affecting memory process in rats. By Barbosa PR, Valvassori SS, Bordignon CL Jr, et al
Anti-anxiety studies on extracts of Passiflora incarnata Linneaus. J Ethnopharmacol. By Dhawan K, Kumar S, Sharma A.
Passionflora incarnata L. (Passionflower) extracts elicit GABA currents in hippocampal neurons in vitro, and show anxiogenic and anticonvulsant effects in vivo, varying with extraction method. By Elsas SM, Rossi DJ, Raber J, et al.
Nutritional and herbal supplements for anxiety and anxiety-related disorders: systematic review. By Lakhan SE, Vieira KF.
Anxiety, depression, and insomnia. Prim Care. by Larzelere MM, Wiseman P.
Store the container in a cool and dry place. Avoid direct contact with very bright light or sunlight as it might damage the product.

What is it made of?
Passionflower (latin name: Passiflora incarnata) is a well-known nervine that can calm and soothe the nervous system. It has a long history of traditional use and remains a popular remedy for sleep and anxiety in Europe and the Americas.
Passionflower contains serotonin, one of the main chemical messengers within the brain. Passionflower is a mild sedative and homoeopathic remedy for short bouts of nervous insomnia and disturbed sleep patterns. It is a non-addictive herbal tranquillizer that reduces anxiety, fears, panic attacks and treats asthma, palpitations, high blood pressure, muscle cramps and nervous gastro-intestinal disorders. It has been used as a medicinal plant for centuries in the Americas.
How to use the tincture?
Add it into any drinks such as water, juice and smoothie! Here is a recipe idea: